During instalation MicroStation Connect Edition I'm getting error like, Failed to install Microsoft Basic for Applications 71 (圆4) with error code 0x80070643. If opening the Developer tab and clicking a button is a little too much work, you can also open the editor with the keyboard shortcut Alt+F11, which works whether the Developer tab is enabled or not. Failed to install Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Offline Sergii Prysiazhnyi over 7 years ago Hello Please help me solve this problem. The Developer tab will now appear on the Ribbon and from it you can open the Visual Basic Editor.

And although VBA is installed by default, accessing the Visual Basic Editor (VBE), through which you’ll enter your VBA code, doesn’t automatically appear in the Ribbon. You can reload Internet Explorer sites with IE mode in Microsoft Edge. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA for short) is a handy way to automate Microsoft Office tasks and is a favorite of many Word and Excel power users. Download Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Security Update from Official Microsoft Download Center Internet Explorer was retired on JIE 11 is no longer accessible.